Page 399 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 399

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                             4
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                           Week      I.  NURSING CARE OF THE        At the end of the               Lecture-discussion       Written            Pillitteri, A. (2018).   Face to face
                              2-3       HIGH – RISK PREGNANT          discussion, the student will    Journal Reading and     examination        Maternal and child
                                        CLIENT                        be able to:                   Small Group               Quiz 2: MCQ,       health nursing: Care
                                      A.  Identifying the high-risk                                 Discussion                 Essay              of the childbearing
                                          pregnancy                  Identify clients who are                                Case Studies       and childrearing
                                      B.  Psychological, social,      having high-risk                                                            family (8th ed.).
                                          and physical factors that   pregnancies                                                                 Wolters Kluwer
                                          categorize a pregnancy     Explain the psychological,
                                          as high-risk.               social and physical                                                         Health.
                                      C.  Vulnerable groups of        characteristics of high-risk
                                          pregnant women with:        pregnant clients
                                         1.  Nutritional needs       Describe complications of
                                         2.  Special needs            pregnancy that place a
                                         3.  Adolescent               woman and her fetus at
                                             pregnancy                high risk
                                         4.  Pregnancy over age      Use critical thinking to
                                             40                       analyze ways that nurses
                                         5.  Physically or            can do to prevent
                                             cognitively challenged   pregnancy complications
                                         6.  Marginalized because    Assess high risk and
                                             of:                      vulnerable groups of
                                            a.     Poverty            pregnant women
                                            b.     Unemployment
                                            c. Lack of education
                                            d.     Exposure to
                                              teratogens due to
                                            e.     Victims of
                                              abuse or domestic
                                              violence, rape,
                                            f. Single or separated
                                      D.  Pre-gestational
                                         1.  HIV infection

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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