Page 400 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 400

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                             5
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                         2.  Anemia
                                         3.  Iron-deficiency
                                         4.  Folic acid-deficiency
                                         5.  Sickle cell anemia
                                         6.  Hepatitis
                                         7.  Diabetes Mellitus
                                         8.  Substance
                           Week      E.  Gestational conditions     At the end of the               Lecture-discussion      Written             Pillitteri, A. (2018).   Face to face
                           4-6          affecting pregnancy         discussion, the student will     Journal Reading and    examination          Maternal and child
                                        outcomes such as:           be able to:                     Small Group              Quiz 3: MCQ,         health nursing: Care
                                        1.  Hyperemesis                                             Discussion               Identification       of the childbearing
                                           gravidarum                  Formulate nursing                                    Nursing Care Plan   and childrearing
                                        2.  Bleeding during            diagnoses related to the                              Case Studies        family (8th ed.).
                                           pregnancy                   effect of pregnancy on                                                     Wolters Kluwer
                                        3.  First trimester bleeding   high-risk and vulnerable                                                   Health.
                                        4.  Spontaneous                pregnant women
                                           miscarriage                 Identify expected
                                        5.  Ectopic pregnancy          outcomes for high-risk
                                        6.  Second trimester           and vulnerable pregnant
                                           bleeding                    women
                                        7.  Gestational                Plan nursing care for
                                           trophoblastic disease       high-risk and vulnerable
                                           (hydatidiform mole)         pregnant women
                                        8.  Premature cervical         Evaluate expected
                                           dilatation                  outcomes for
                                          9.  Third trimester          achievement and
                                              bleeding                 effectiveness of nursing
                                          10. Placenta previa          care
                                          11. Abruptio placentae       Identify areas that can
                                                                       benefit from additional
                                                                       research or application
                                                                       of evidence-based

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