Page 402 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 402

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                             7
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                     B.  Problems with the          care when deviations from
                                        passage or the pelvis       the normal in labor and birth
                                         1.  Inlet contraction
                                         2.  Outlet contraction     • Assess a woman in labor
                                         3.  Trial labor            and during birth for
                                         4.  External cephalic      deviations from the normal
                                             version                labor process
                                     C.  Problems with the
                                        passenger or fetus          • Formulate nursing
                                         1.  Umbilical cord         diagnoses related to
                                             prolapsed              deviations from normal
                                         2.  Multiple gestation     labor and birth
                                         3.  Problems with
                                             position, presentation,   • Identify expected
                                             or size                outcomes associated with
                                     D.  Complications with the     deviations from the normal
                                        power (force of labor)      labor process
                                         1.  Ineffective uterine
                                             force                  • Plan nursing interventions
                                         2.  Dysfunctional labor    to help the client and the
                                         3.  Contraction rings      family meet expected
                                         4.  Precipitate labor      outcomes when
                                         5.  Uterine rupture        complications of labor occur
                                         6.  Uterine inversion
                                         7.  Amniotic fluid         • Implement nursing care
                                             embolism               related to complications
                                     E.  Problems with the psyche   during labor and birth

                                                                    • Evaluate expected
                                                                    outcomes for achievement
                                                                    and effectiveness of care

                                                                    • Identify areas that can
                                                                    benefit from additional

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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