Page 404 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 404

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                             9
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                                                    • Evaluate expected
                                                                      outcomes for achievement
                                                                      and effectiveness of care

                                                                    • Identify areas that can
                                                                      benefit from additional
                                                                      research or application of
                                                                      evidence-based practice

                           Week      IV.    NURSING CARE OF         At the end of the                Lecture-discussion     Written             Pillitteri, A. (2018).   Face to face
                           12        THE HIGH-RISK                  discussion, the student will     Journal Reading and     examination         Maternal and child
                                     POSTPARTAL CLIENT              be able to:                     Small Group              Quiz 3: MCQ,        health nursing: Care
                                     A.  Postpartum hemorrhage        Describe common              Discussion                Identification,     of the childbearing
                                        1.  Uterine atony             deviations from the                                     Essay               and childrearing
                                        2.  Lacerations               normal that can occur                                  Nursing Care Plan   family (8th ed.).
                                        3.  Retained placental        during the puerperium                                   Case Studies       Wolters Kluwer
                                           fragments                  Use critical thinking to                                                   Health.
                                        4.  Disseminated              analyze ways that
                                           intravascular              promote family-centered
                                           coagulation                nursing care when a
                                        5.  Perineal hematomas        postpartum complication
                                                                      Assess a woman and her
                                                                      family for deviations from
                                                                      the normal during
                                                                      Formulate nursing
                                                                      diagnoses related to
                                                                      postpartum complications
                                                                      Identify outcomes for the
                                                                      woman and her family
                                                                      when postpartum
                                                                      complications have

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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