Page 409 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 409

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                            14
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                        5.  Hypospadias                Assess clients for
                                        6.  Epispadias                 specific health problems
                                        7.  Ambiguous genitalia        related to reproduction
                                     B.  Adolescent and young          and sexuality
                                        adult                          Formulate appropriate
                                        1.  Sexually transmitted       nursing diagnoses for
                                           infections                  clients having specific
                                        2.  Varicocele                 problems on
                                     C.  Adult Men                     reproduction and
                                        1.  BPH                        sexuality
                                        2.  Cancer of the prostate     Identify nursing
                                        3.  Cancer of the genitals     outcomes for clients
                                        4.  Infection of the male      having specific problems
                                           genital tract               on reproduction and
                                                                       Plan appropriate nursing
                                                                       interventions for clients
                                                                       having specific problems
                                                                       on reproduction and
                                                                       Implement specific
                                                                       nursing care for clients
                                                                       having specific problems
                                                                       on reproduction and
                                                                       Evaluate expected
                                                                       outcomes for
                                                                       achievement and
                                                                       effectiveness of nursing
                                                                       Identify areas that can
                                                                       benefit from additional
                                                                       research or application
                                                                       of evidence-based

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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