Page 408 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 408

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                            13
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                         4.  Fertility testing         to detect infertility and
                                         5.  Infertility               sexual dysfunction
                                             management                Formulate nursing
                                        B.  Sexual dysfunction         diagnoses related to
                                         1.  Sexual desire             infertility and sexual
                                             disorders                 dysfunction
                                         2.  Disorders of sexual       Plan nursing
                                             arousal                   interventions to meet the
                                         3.  Orgasm disorders          needs of the couple with
                                                                       fertility and sexual
                                                                       dysfunction problems
                                                                       Implement nursing care
                                                                       associated with infertility
                                                                       and sexual dysfunction
                                                                       Evaluate expected
                                                                       outcomes for
                                                                       achievement and
                                                                       effectiveness of nursing
                                                                       careIdentify areas that
                                                                       can benefit from
                                                                       additional research or
                                                                       application of evidence-
                                                                       based practice
                           Week      I. NURSING CARE OF             At the end of the                   Lecture-                 Written        Pillitteri, A. (2018).   Face to face
                           16          CLIENTS WITH SPECIFIC        discussion, the student will         discussion                examination    Maternal and child
                                       HEALTH PROBLEMS              be able to:                         Journal Reading          Quiz 3:        health nursing: Care
                                       RELATED TO                                                        and Small Group           MCQ,           of the childbearing
                                       REPRODUCTION AND                Describe specific health         Discussion                Identification,  and childrearing
                                       SEXUALITY                       problems on                                                 Essay          family (8th ed.).
                                     A.  Infant and Child              reproduction and                                           Nursing Care   Wolters Kluwer
                                        1.  Altered reproductive       sexuality among the                                         Plan           Health.
                                           disorders                   infant and child,                                          Case
                                        2.  Phimosis                   adolescent and young                                        Studies
                                        3.  Hydrocele                  adult, adult woman and
                                        4.  Cryptorchidism             adult man

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