Page 413 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 413

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                            18
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                          Thorough evaluation plan that       Adequate evaluation plan       Evaluation criteria are defined   Evaluation plan is poorly
                                          includes specific criteria for      with criteria for success and   but lack detail or the plan for   developed or missing;
                           Evaluation     success and methods for             general guidelines for         reassessment is vague.           lacks clear criteria for
                                          reassessment and adjustment of      reassessment.                                                   success or reassessment
                                          the care plan.                                                                                      strategy.

                                          The care plan is exceptionally      Well-organized and clear,      Organization and clarity meet    Poor organization,
                           Professionali organized, well-written, and         with minor errors in           basic standards but with several  numerous errors in
                           sm &           adheres strictly to academic and    formatting or professional     formatting or professional       writing or formatting, not
                           Formatting     professional standards.             standards.                     errors.                          adhering to professional


                           Legend         91-120 Excellent                    61-90 Good                     31-60 Satisfactory               30 Unsatisfactory

                          Rubric for Case Presentation

                               Criteria                                                                                                        Needs Improvement (2          Score
                                                    Excellent (10 points)             Good (8 points)            Satisfactory (5 points)

                                               Presentation is accurate in all   Presentation has minor        Presentation has some        Presentation has significant
                           Content             clinical details and theoretical   inaccuracies that do not affect  inaccuracies; some details   inaccuracies that affect
                                               knowledge.                      understanding.                  are incorrect or missing.    understanding.

                                               Demonstrates excellent          Shows good understanding        Shows basic understanding    Shows poor understanding
                           Understanding       understanding of the case and   with minor                      but lacks depth in some      of the case and
                           of Case
                                               underlying pathophysiology.     misunderstandings.              areas.                       pathophysiology.

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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