Page 411 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 411

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                            16
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                                                                       effectiveness of nursing

                           Week                                                                           FINALS

                          INTENDED LABORATORY ACTIVITIES

                              1.  Monitor fetal heart rate.
                              2.  Practicing Leopold's maneuvers to assess fetal position and presentation.
                              3.  Labor and Delivery Simulation: Practicing emergency responses to obstetric emergencies such as postpartum
                                 hemorrhage or shoulder dystocia.
                              4.  Neonatal resuscitation.
                              5.  Conducting newborn assessments including APGAR scoring.
                              6.  Simulating newborn care such as bathing, diapering, and swaddling.
                              7.  Administering newborn medications and vaccinations.

                          OTHER MAJOR COMPETENCIES OUTPUT
                          Aside from the major examinations, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:
                             1.  Nursing Care Plan
                                     o  Demonstrate proficiency in conducting comprehensive and culturally sensitive assessments of mothers and
                                         children who are at risk or have health problems.
                                     o  Implement advanced clinical management strategies to address complex maternal and pediatric health issues

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