Page 410 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 410

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                            15
                                 NCM 109- CARE OF MOTHER, CHILD AT RISK OR WITH PROBLEMS

                           Week      D.  Adult woman                At the end of the               Lecture-discussion           Written        Pillitteri, A. (2018).   Face to
                           17           1.  Menstrual disorders     discussion, the student will     Journal Reading and          examination    Maternal and child      Face
                                        2.  Menopausal syndrome     be able to:                     Small Group                   Quiz 3:        health nursing: Care
                                        3.  Imperforate hymen                                       Discussion                     MCQ,           of the childbearing
                                        4.  Toxic Shock Syndrome       Assess clients for                                         Identification,  and childrearing
                                        5.  Vulvovaginitis             specific health problems                                    Essay          family (8th ed.).
                                        6.  Pelvic Inflammatory        related to reproduction                                    Nursing Care   Wolters Kluwer
                                           Disease                     and sexuality                                               Plan           Health.
                                        7.  Infectious disorders of     Formulate appropriate                                    Case
                                           the female genital          nursing diagnoses for                                       Studies
                                           organs (vaginal             clients having specific
                                           infection, endometritis,    problems on
                                           ovarian cysts)              reproduction and
                                        8.  Elective termination of    sexuality
                                           pregnancy (induced          Identify nursing
                                           abortion)                   outcomes for clients
                                        9.  Vaginal fistulas           having specific problems
                                        10. Uterine prolapsed,         on reproduction and
                                           cystocele, rectocele        sexuality
                                        11. Breast Disorders           Plan appropriate nursing
                                        12. Breast and uterine         interventions for clients
                                           cancers                     having specific problems
                                                                       on reproduction and
                                                                       Implement specific
                                                                       nursing care for clients
                                                                       having specific problems
                                                                       on reproduction and
                                                                       Evaluate expected
                                                                       outcomes for
                                                                       achievement and

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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