Page 424 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 424

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              7
                                NCM 110- NURSING INFORMATICS

                                   TOPIC 2: Administrative               A.  Enumerate the                                                      3G Editorial Board
                                                                            uses of                                                             (2024). Introduction to
                                   TOPIC 3: Consumer use                    informatics in                                                      Health Informatics
                                                                            nursing practice                                                    Within Nursing
                                                                         B.  Describe the use
                                                                            of computers in                                                     3G Editorial Board
                                                                            nursing                                                             (2024). Intelligent
                                                                         C.  List the                                                           Informatics
                                                                            advantages and                                                      Walczak, Bouslama
                                                                            disadvantages of                                                    (2019). Information
                                                                            informatics in                                                      Modeling and
                                                                            health consumer
                                                                            use                                                                 Relational Database

                          Weeks  UNIT VI: Nursing Informatics        At the end of the session,  Lecture                    Group               Gacovski, Zoran          Face to face
                          16-17    Application                       students are expected to:                              presentation        (2018). E-health
                                                                                                Laboratory activities                           systems
                                   TOPIC 4: Education                    A.  Appreciate the                a.  Basic office
                                                                            value of                          applications                      3G Editorial Board
                                   TOPIC 5: Research                        informatics in                 b.  Open
                                                                            nursing education                 EMRs                              (2024). Introduction to
                                                                         B.  Describe the                  c.  Sofastat,                        Health Informatics
                                                                            application of                    EPI Info,                         Within Nursing
                                                                            computers in                      SPSS
                                                                            nursing research               d.  Moodle,                          3G Editorial Board
                                                                                                              Edmodo,                           (2024). Intelligent
                                                                                                              Electronic                        Informatics
                                                                                                              databases                         Walczak, Bouslama
                                                                                                Healthcare blogging                             (2019). Information
                                                                                                                                                Modeling and
                                                                                                                                                Relational Database

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