Page 425 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 425

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              8
                                NCM 110- NURSING INFORMATICS

                          Week                                                                         FINAL EXAM

                        INTENDED LABORATORY ACTIVITIES (if applicable)

                                1.  Data entry
                                2.  Data organization
                                3.  Data presentation

                        OTHER MAJOR COMPETENCIES OUTPUT (i.e., Reflection Paper/Portfolio/Film Review, etc. if applicable)
                        Aside from the major examinations, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:
                                1.  Data Organization and Presentation
                                   Demonstrate application of principles of data visualization to present healthcare data in clear, concise, and meaningful ways. To
                                   analyze and interpret trends, patterns, and relationships in healthcare data presented through visualizations that may inform clinical
                                   decision-making, quality improvement.

                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs) (if applicable)

                             Criteria             Excellent                   Good                  Satisfactory            Unsatisfactory                       Score
                                                      25                        20                       15                        10

                                            Short response has       Short response has        Short response has       Short response has
                                            several                  several                   several                  several
                         Explanation of     grammatical/spelling     grammatical/spelling      grammatical/spelling     grammatical/spelling
                         Data Set
                                            errors; explanation is   errors; explanation is    errors; explanation is   errors; explanation is
                                            vague                    vague                     vague                    vague

                         Content of Data    Spreadsheet shows        Spreadsheet shows         Spreadsheet shows        Spreadsheet shows
                         Entry              relevant data that is    relevant data that is     some data that is        some data that is

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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