Page 430 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 430

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              2
                                NURSING RESEARCH 1

                                                    CILO 4:  Apply guidelines and principles of evidenced-based practice in health assessment.
                                                    CILO 5:  Prove assessment data accurately and comprehensively.
                                                    CILO 6:  Elaborate effectively in conducting health assessment.
                                                    CILO 7:  Demonstrate basic nursing skills in rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing process.
                                                    CILO 8 on IZN:  Situate Philippines in the Global Context
                                                    CILO 9 on GAD: Demonstrate appropriate approaches in handling patients across various genders

                                                                                     Percentage Distribution     NOTE:
                                                      Assigned Activity                       15%                If course is with Laboratory, the grade will be computed as
                                                      Engagement/Forum                        10%               3 Units: Lecture: 2 units       (67%)

                                                      Quizzes/Unit Test                                     30%           Laboratory: 1 unit   (33%)

                                                      Major Examination                              45%                  Total:                   100%
                          Grading System              TOTAL                                  100%               4 Units: Lecture: 3 units       (75%)
                                                                                                                          Laboratory: 1 unit   (25%)
                                                      Laboratory:                                                         Total:                   100%
                                                      Proposal Defense            70%                           5 Units: Lecture: 3 units       (60%)
                                                      Write ups                   30%                                     Laboratory: 2 unit   (40%)
                                                                                  100%                                    Total:                   100%

                          Frame                                   Intended Learning          Teaching and                               Teaching and Learning
                                       Learning Content                                         Learning              Learning                                           Modality
                                                                   Outcomes (ILOs)                                                            References/
                                                                                           Activities (TLAs)        Assessments                Resources
                          Week1     University Vision,          At the end of the         Lecture                Quiz                  Resources / References        Face to face
                                    Mission, Goals and             session, students are  Jingle Composition     Presentation of the
                                    Objectives, College ILO,       expected to:                                  composed jingle       Administration Manual.
                                    Program ILO, College                                                                               Academic Manual, Student
                                    Policies, Grading system    Demonstrate knowledge                                                  Manual
                                    Course Requirements         of University’s VMGO,
                                                                and College policies
                                                                and guidelines, targets,                                               CMO of the Program
                                                                grading system and
                                                                course requirements of
                                                                the subject

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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