Page 431 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 431

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              3
                                NURSING RESEARCH 1

                          Week     A. Introduction to Nursing   At the end of the         Interactive            Laptop, LCD           Laptop, LCD                   Face-To Face
                            2      Research                        session, students are  discussion
                                     1.  Definition of Nursing     expected to:                                  Colored markers       Colored markers
                                         Research                                         Concept Mapping        Prepared rubrics      Prepared rubrics
                                     2.  Importance of               1.  Define the
                                         Nursing Research                Nursing
                                     3.  Roles of Nurses in              Research
                                         Research                    2.  Expalin the
                                     4.  Purposes of Nursing             importance of
                                         Research                        nursing
                                                                        3.Elaborate the
                                                                significance of
                                                                research in nursing

                          Week     B. Ethical Aspects of        At the end of the         Interactive            Situational/case      LCD, laptop                   Face-To Face
                             3     Nursing  Research               session, students are  discussion             analysis
                                   1. Ethical Principles of        expected to:
                                   Protecting Study             2. Explain the ethical
                                   Participants                 aspects of nursing
                                   a. Beneficence               research.
                                   b. Respect of Human
                                   c. Justice
                                   2. Procedures for
                                   Protecting Study
                                   a. Informed Consent
                                   b. Risk/Benefit Assessment

                                   c. Confidentiality
                                   d. Debriefings and

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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