Page 432 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 432

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              4
                                NURSING RESEARCH 1

                                   e. Treatment of Vulnerable
                                   f. Institutional Reviews,
                                   Boards and External

                          Week     C. Overview of the           At the end of the         Interactive            Oral presentation     Copies of sample              Face-To Face
                             4     Research Process in             session, students are  discussion                                   researches conducted
                                   Quantitative and                expected to:
                                   Qualitative Studies          3. Formulate a sound         Critique a                               LCD, Laptop
                                   1. Major Phases of a            research problem           sample problem
                                   Research Process                                           statement
                                   A.  Conceptual Phase                                      Buzz session
                                         Formulating and
                                           Delimiting the
                                         Sources of
                                           Research Problem
                                         Criteria in
                                           evaluating research
                                   Criteria for stating research
                          Week     B. Reviewing the Related     At the end of the         Literature review      Written literature    Copies of literature related   Face-To Face
                             5     Literature                      session, students are                         review                to the topic of interest
                                                                   expected to:           Group work
                                          Purpose of           4. Synthesize literature
                                           Literature Review       gathered from
                                          Categories of           different sources.
                                   Locating relevant literature
                                   for research review

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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