Page 433 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 433

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              5
                                NURSING RESEARCH 1

                          Week     C.  Defining the Framework  At the end of the          Special Reports        Oral presentation     Copies of theories (Special   Face-To Face
                             6     and  Developing                 session, students are                                               reports)
                                   Conceptual and                  expected to:           Venn Diagram
                                   Theoretical Frameworks       5. Design a               Small group                                  LCD, Laptop
                                   D.  Definition of Important     theoretical/conceptual
                                   Terms                           framework and          discussion
                                   concept, construct,             research paradigm.
                                   conceptual models, and
                                   statistical models
                          Week     E. Formulating Hypotheses  At the end of the           List, label, elaborate   Group presentation   Copies of hypotheses         Face-To Face
                             7     - Purpose of Research           session, students are                                               (assignment)
                                   Hypotheses                      expected to:           Small group
                                   - Types of Hypotheses                                  discussion                                   LCD, Laptop
                                   - Criteria considered when       6.   Formulate a
                                   stating hypotheses                   hypothesis
                                                                        relevant to their

                          Week     2. The Design and            At the end of the         Assignment             Group presentation    Copies of research designs    Face-To Face
                             8     Planning Phase                  session, students are                                               of different researches LCD,
                                                                   expected to:           Think-pair-share                             Laptop
                                   A. Selecting a Research
                                   Design                           7.  Plan the
                                   B.  Major Categories of              methodology for
                                   Research Designs                     their research
                                   - Experimental                       study
                                   - Non-experimental
                                   - Qualitative Designs
                                   C.  Characteristics of
                                   Research Designs
                          Week     D.  Identifying the          At the end of the         Group discussion/      Group presentation    Research outputs (chapters    Face-To Face
                             9     Population to                   session, students are                                               1 and 2)
                                       be Studied                  expected to:           group work
                                       -   Differences
                                           between Total and        8.  Design an
                                           Target Populations           appropriate
                                                                        sampling plan

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