Page 457 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 457

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             16
                                NCM 112

                                                   a.  Angina Pectoris
                                                   b.  Myocardial Infraction
                                            2.  Inflammatory Heart Diseases
                                                   a.  Endocarditis
                                                   b.  Pericarditis
                                            3.  Valvular Heart Disease
                                            4.  Heart Wall Damages
                                                   a.  Myocardial Rupture
                                                   b.  Ventricular Aneurysm
                                                   c.  Pericardial Effusion,
                                                      Cardiac Tamponade
                                            5.  Congestive Heart Failure
                                    C.  Implementation of Common Cardiac
                                        Modalities: Skills Laboratory
                                            1.  PTCA and CABG
                                            2.  Cardiopulmonary
                                            3.  Rotating Torniquet/Bloodless
                                            4.  Review of Pharmacotherapy

               Week       VII.   Peripheral Vascular Function:                Given an adult client     Lecture-Discussion                 -  Written       Hinkle, J. L.,   Face to
                 15-16                                                        with hematolymphatic                                          examination     & Cheever, K.  face
                                 A.  Review of the Anatomy and Physiology     problems, the student     Animation presentation of the                       H. (Eds.).
                                    of the Peripheral Vascular System         will be able to:          normal circulation and ECG                          (2022).
                                 B.  Assessment of the Peripheral Vascular                              readings presenting the common                      Brunner &
                                    Function                                  A. Discuss basic          arrhythmias                                         Suddarth's
                                        1.  Health History                    anatomic and                                                                  textbook of
                                                 a.    Modifiable Risk
                                                   Factors                    physiologic basis of      Audio clip presentation of the                      medical-
                                                 b.   Non-Modifiable Risk     nursing care of clients   different heart sounds                              surgical
                                                   Factors                    with problems in                                                              nursing (15th
                                        2.  Physical Assessment               hematolymphatic                                                               ed.). Wolters
                                                 a.    Pulses                 system                                                                        Kluwer.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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