Page 459 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 459

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             18
                                NCM 112

                                             2.       Physical Assessment             immunity and                                                          medical-
                                               Findings                               inflammation, as  Background Information: TM is                       surgical
                                             3.       Laboratory and                  basis of nursing   a 28-year-old female who arrives                   nursing (15th
                                               Diagnostic Tests                       care              in the emergency department                         ed.). Wolters
                                                   a.  Blood Chemistry and          Complete a         experiencing severe difficulty                      Kluwer.
                                                      Other Blood Tests               thorough and      breathing, widespread hives, and
                                                   b.  Cross Matching                 accurate          swelling around her eyes and
                                                   c.  Allergy Testing                assessment of     lips. She reports that she was at
                                    C.  Nursing Diagnoses                             the immunologic  a friend’s birthday party where
                                             1.       Risk for Infection              function of the   she unknowingly consumed a
                                             2.       Ineffective Protection          given patient     dessert containing peanuts, to
                                             3.       Latex Allergy                 Identify and       which she has a known severe
                                               Response                               prioritize        allergy. Within minutes of eating,
                                             4.       Social Isolation                nursing           she began to feel her throat
                                             5.       Impaired Skin                   problems of       tightening and a tingling
                                               Integrity                              patients with     sensation on her lips.
                                    D.  Planning of Nursing Care for Clients          altered immune
                                        with Problems with the Immune                 response          Case Details: Upon arrival, TM
                                        System                                      Collaborate with  is visibly distressed, with audible
                                             1.       Other Connective                the patient with   wheezing and use of accessory
                                               Tissue Disorders                       altered immune    muscles to breathe. Her vital
                                                   a.  Lupus Erythematosus            function in the   signs are as follows: heart rate
                                                   b.  Marfan Syndrome                planning and      120 bpm, blood pressure 90/50
                                             2.       Immunodeficiencies              implementation    mmHg, respiratory rate 28
                                                   a.  Primary (Congenital)           of nursing care   breaths/min, and oxygen
                                                      Immunodeficiencies            Evaluate           saturation 88% on room air. The
                                                   b.  Secondary (Acquired)           rendered          medical team quickly administers
                                                      Immunodeficiencies              nursing care      high-flow oxygen, and TM is
                                             3.       Hypersensitivity and            and modify care  noted to have an epinephrine
                                               Allergies                              plan              auto-injector in her purse, which
                                                   a.  Type I: Rapid                  accordingly,      she has not used.
                                                      Hypersensitivity                specific for the
                                                   b.  Type II: Cytotoxic             needs of the      Questions for Discussion:
                                                      Reaction                        patients with
                                                                                      problems with

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