Page 464 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 464

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             23
                                NCM 112


                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs) (if applicable)

                        Rubric for Skills Return Demonstration in Nursing

                                                         Excellent                        Good                       Satisfactory           Needs Improvement                 Score
                                                        (20 points)                    (15 points)                   (10 points)                  (5 point)
                                                Applies theoretical           Correctly applies knowledge    Demonstrates basic            Struggles to apply
                                                knowledge to practice
                         Application of         seamlessly; provides          but may miss deeper            understanding but lacks       theoretical knowledge;
                         Knowledge                                            explanations or rationale for   depth in applying            explanations are
                                                evidence-based rationale for   actions.                      knowledge to practice.        incorrect or missing.

                                                Consistently adheres to all                                  Occasionally overlooks        Frequently disregards
                                                safety protocols and hygiene  Generally adheres to safety                                  safety measures, posing
                         Safety Measures                                                                     safety protocols; needs
                                                standards without             standards with minor lapses.                                 risk to self or simulated
                                                reminders.                                                   reminders.                    patient.

                                                Proactively identifies and    Addresses problems as they                                   Has difficulty identifying
                                                addresses problems; adjusts                                  Reacts to problems but
                         Problem Solving        techniques flexibly and       arise with effective solutions,   solutions are not always   or solving problems;
                                                                              though not always
                                                                                                                                           intervention is
                                                effectively during            proactively.                   effective or timely.          ineffective.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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