Page 466 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 466

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             25
                                NCM 112

                                                Makes excellent connections
                                                between clinical experiences
                         Connection to          and journal reflections,      Makes clear connections         Makes some connections,      Makes weak or
                         Clinical Experience  demonstrating a strong          between clinical experiences    but they may not always be   infrequent connections to
                                                                              and journal entries.
                                                                                                              clear or fully developed.
                                                                                                                                           clinical experiences.
                                                linkage to practical
                                                Integrates and applies                                                                     Application of nursing
                         Application of         nursing concepts and          Applies nursing concepts        Applies nursing concepts     concepts is attempted,
                         Nursing Concepts       theories effectively and      correctly, with evidence of     adequately, but with limited   but is incomplete or
                                                                                                              depth or creativity.
                                                creatively.                                                                                incorrect.
                                                Demonstrates a high level of   Shows good critical thinking   Some evidence of critical    Critical thinking is
                                                critical thinking and ability to                              thinking, though often       limited; does not
                         Critical Thinking                                    with occasional questioning of
                                                question assumptions and                                      accepts practices at face    question or analyze
                                                norms.                        practices and principles.       value.                       experiences effectively.

                                                Clearly articulates personal   Articulates personal learning   States some personal        States very general
                         Personal Goals and  learning goals and progress,  goals and some progress,           learning goals or progress,   goals or progress, with
                         Learning               setting specific future       with general plans for future   but with vague future        unclear or no future
                                                objectives.                   learning.                       objectives.                  objectives.

                                                Writing is clear, well-                                                                    Writing is poorly
                         Writing Quality and  organized, and free of          Writing is mostly clear and     Writing is understandable    organized and has
                                                                                                              but may lack organization or
                         Organization           grammatical and spelling      organized with minor errors.    have some errors.            numerous grammatical
                                                errors.                                                                                    and spelling errors.

                                                Uses a wide range of
                                                evidence to support                                           Uses some evidence, but it   Rarely uses evidence or
                         Use of Evidence        reflections, including        Uses relevant evidence to       may not always be relevant   uses it inappropriately to
                                                                              support most reflections.
                                                readings, lectures, and                                       or is sparsely integrated.   support reflections.
                                                personal experiences.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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