Page 535 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 535

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             23
                                NCM 116

                                           b.  Total/Partial Hip
                                        5.  Pharmacotherapy

            Week        I.   SKILLS LABORATORY                                                Live Demonstration and Video     -  Written examination   Hinkle, J. L., &   Face to
               13-       A.  Medical Surgical Nursing Skills for                              Presentation of the Neurologic   -  Return               Cheever, K. H.  face
               17            Clients with Neurologic Problems                                 Assessment. Includes, but not      Demonstration         (Eds.). (2022).
                             1.  Review of Neurologic                                         limited to Assessing Glasgow                             Brunner &
                         Assessment (including GCS, Cranial                                   Coma Scale, Cranial Nerve                                Suddarth's
                         Nerve Testing, Reflexes)                                             Testing, Assessing different                             textbook of
                             2.  Lumbar Puncture/Tap                                          gaits, Reflex Testing.                                   medical-

                         B.  Medical Surgical Nursing Skills for                                                                                       surgical
                             Clients with Eye and Ear Problems                                Lecture-Discussion and Video                             nursing (15th
                             1.  Review of Eye and Vision                                     Presentation of a Lumbar Tap                             ed.). Wolters
                         Assessment                                                                                                                    Kluwer.
                             2.  Review of Ear, Hearing and                                   Video Presentation and
                         Balance Assessment                                                   Demonstration of Different
                             3.  Opthalmic and Otic Drug                                      Health Assessment
                         Administration                                                       Techniques for Visual and
                             4.  Ear Irrigation                                               Hearing Acuity, and other
                         C.  Medical Surgical Nursing Skills for                              (mal)Functions of the Eyes
                         Clients with Musculoskeletal Problems                                and Ears
                             1.  Review of Musculoskeletal
                         Assessment                                                           Video Presentation  of Otic
                             2.  Casting Procedure                                            Irrigation and other therapeutic
                             3.  Care of Prosthesis                                           modalities of which the nurse
                             4.  Care for Clients with Traction                               may assist.
                             5.  Care for Clients post Hip
                         Replacement                                                          Redemonstration of
                                                                                              epicutaneous and intradermal
                                                                                              skin testing

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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