Page 539 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 539

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             27
                                NCM 116

                                             Demonstrates excellent           Shows good understanding       Shows basic understanding     Shows poor understanding
                         Understanding       understanding of the case and    with minor                     but lacks depth in some       of the case and
                         of Case
                                             underlying pathophysiology.      misunderstandings.             areas.                        pathophysiology.

                         Analysis and        Provides insightful analysis     Analysis is good, with some    Some analysis is evident,     Analysis is superficial, with
                         Critical            and demonstrates exceptional     evidence of critical thinking.   but critical thinking is not   minimal critical thinking.
                         Thinking            critical thinking.                                              fully developed.

                                             Applies the nursing process      Generally, applies the nursing  Applies the nursing process   Application of the nursing
                         Application of      comprehensively and              process well, with minor       adequately, with some         process is attempted, but
                         Nursing Process
                                             thoughtfully.                    omissions.                     notable omissions.            significantly incomplete.

                                             Communicates ideas clearly       Communicates ideas clearly     Communication is              Communication lacks
                         Communication       and effectively, with excellent   with only minor issues in     acceptable, but some ideas    clarity, undermining the
                                             verbal and non-verbal skills.    verbal or non-verbal skills.   are not clearly expressed.    presentation of ideas.

                                                                                                                                           Use of visual aids is not
                                                                                                             Uses visual aids adequately,
                         Use of Visual       Uses visual aids effectively to   Uses visual aids well, with   but they could be more        very effective and may
                         Aids                enhance the presentation.        only minor issues.                                           distract from the

                                             Engages with the audience                                       Adequately engages with       Engagement with the
                         Engagement                                           Engages with the audience
                         with Audience       exceptionally, encouraging       well, with some interaction.   the audience, but interaction  audience is minimal, with
                                             interaction and questions.                                      is limited.                   poor interaction.

                                             Presents in a highly             Generally professional in      Satisfactory                  Lacks professionalism in
                                             professional manner, with
                         Professionalism                                      attire and demeanor, with      professionalism, but could    several aspects of attire or
                                             appropriate attire and           minor lapses.                  be more consistent.           demeanor.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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