Page 541 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 541

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             29
                                NCM 116

                                        Consistently adheres to all
                                        safety protocols and hygiene  Generally adheres to safety    Occasionally overlooks safety   Frequently disregards safety
              Safety Measures                                                                                                        measures, posing risk to self
                                        standards without             standards with minor lapses.   protocols; needs reminders.     or simulated patient.

                                        Proactively identifies and    Addresses problems as they
                                        addresses problems; adjusts                                  Reacts to problems but          Has difficulty identifying or
              Problem Solving           techniques flexibly and       arise with effective solutions,   solutions are not always     solving problems;
                                        effectively during            though not always              effective or timely.            intervention is ineffective.
                                        Communicates clearly and      Communicates effectively for  Communication is adequate but  Poor communication skills;
                                        professionally with           the most part but may have     occasionally unclear or not     regularly unclear,
              Communication Skills
                                        simulated patient and peers;  minor lapses in clarity or     professional; some issues with   unprofessional, or
                                        excellent listening skills.   professionalism.               listening skills.               ineffective in listening.

                                        Always prioritizes patient    Generally considers patient    Sometimes considers patient     Rarely prioritizes patient
              Patient-Centered          comfort and dignity;          comfort and dignity; responds   comfort; inconsistent in       comfort or dignity; neglects
              Approach                  anticipates patient needs and   appropriately to patient needs.   anticipating or responding to   patient needs.
                                        responds compassionately.                                    needs.

                                        Documentation is thorough,  Documentation is complete        Documentation lacks some        Documentation is
                                        clear, and precise;           with minor errors or                                           incomplete or inaccurate;
              Documentation                                                                          details or clarity; some errors
                                        accurately records all details  omissions; records most      in recording.                   significant details are
                                        of the simulation.            details correctly.                                             missing or incorrect.


              Legend                    91-120 Excellent              61-90 Good                     31-60 Satisfactory              30 Unsatisfactory

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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