Page 664 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              8
                                MC 3 – MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY

                                                                 agammaglobulinemia,hypog                                                    (2nd ed.). C&E
                                                                 ammaglobulinemia, T cell, B                                                 Publishing Inc.
                                                                 cell,   plasma   cell   and
                          Week      IX.    Infectious Diseases   At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Pencil-Paper test    Anthikad, J., &           Face to Face
                          16-17                                  students are expected to:      Case studies           Case report           Sumanaswini, P.
                                    A.     Major viral, bacterial  A.   Classify  a  particular   Inside-outside circle                      (2013). Medical
                                    and fungal diseases of       infectious disease as a viral,   Concept mapping                            microbiology for nurses:
                                    human                        bacterial, or fungal infection                                              Including parasitology.
                                    B.     Major parasitic       B.     Categorize    various   Laboratory exercises                         Jaypee Brothers
                                    diseases of humans           infectious diseases by body                                                 Medical Publishers.
                                                                 C.     Correlate a particular                                               Bartolome, F. A., &
                                                                 infectious  disease  with  its                                              Quiles, E. P. (2020).
                                                                 major        characteristics,                                               Microbiology and
                                                                 causative  agent,  reservoir,                                               parasitology: A textbook
                                                                 modes of transmission, and                                                  and laboratory manual
                                                                 diagnostic        laboratory                                                for the health sciences
                                                                 procedures                                                                  (2nd ed.). C&E
                                                                 D.     Classify  a  particular                                              Publishing Inc.
                                                                 parasitic  infection  as  a
                                                                 protozoal    or    helminth
                                                                    E.  Categorize    various
                                                                        parasitic infections by
                                                                        body system
                                                                    F.  Correlate a particular
                                                                        parasitic    infection
                                                                        with    its    major
                                                                        causative      agent,
                                                                        reservoir,  mode  of
                                                                        transmission     and
                                                                        diagnostic  laboratory

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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