Page 660 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 660

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              4
                                MC 3 – MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY

                                                                 F.  State the metric units
                                                                    used to express the
                                                                    sizes of bacteria,
                                                                    protozoa and viruses
                                                                 G.  Compare and contrast
                                                                    the various types of
                          Week      III.   Cell Structure and    At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Written examination   1.  Anthikad, J., &     Face to Face
                            3-4     Taxonomy                     students are expected to:      Laboratory                                       Sumanaswini, P.
                                      A.Eukaryotic and                                           exercises                                        (2013). Medical
                                        Prokaryotic Cell         A.     Explain    the   cell                                                     microbiology for
                                        Structure                theory                         A-Z Taxonomy                                     nurses: Including
                                      B.Cell Reproduction        B.     Cite  the  function  of                                                   parasitology.
                                      C.Taxonomy                 each part of the cell                                                            Jaypee Brothers
                                                                 C.     Compare          and                                                      Medical
                                                                 contrast  animal,  plant  and                                                    Publishers.
                                                                 bacterial cells                                                               2.  Bartolome, F. A.,
                                                                 D.     Define   the   terms                                                      & Quiles, E. P.
                                                                 genus,  specific  epithet  and                                                   (2020).
                                                                 species                                                                          Microbiology and
                                                                 E.     Describe  the  five-                                                      parasitology: A
                                                                 kingdom  and  three-domain                                                       textbook and
                                                                 systems of classification                                                        laboratory manual
                                                                                                                                                  for the health
                                                                                                                                                  sciences (2nd
                                                                                                                                                  ed.). C&E
                                                                                                                                                  Publishing Inc.

                          Week      IV.    Diversity         of  At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Written examination   Anthikad, J., &         Face to face
                          5-6       Microorganisms               students are expected to:      Laboratory                                  Sumanaswini, P.
                                        A.      Acellular   and                                  exercises                                   (2013). Medical
                                        Prokaryotic Microbes                                                                                 microbiology for nurses:

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