Page 169 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 169

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               8
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                                        H.  Vertebral Column
                                                               1.  Regions of the
                                                                   Vertebral Colum
                                                               2.  Normal Curves of
                                                                   the Vertebral
                                                               3.  Vertebrae
                                                        I.  Thorax
                                                               1.  Sternum
                                                               2.  Ribs
                                                        J.  Pectoral (Shoulder)
                                                        K.  Upper Limb
                                                        L.  Pelvic (Hip) Girdle
                                                        M.  Lower Limb
                                                        N.  Comparison of Female
                                                            and Male Skeletons
                                                        O.  Aging and the Skeletal

                                 Week      VI.    JOINTS                               At the end of the discussion, the            Lecture-     Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 11       Face to
                                 7                      A.  Joints                     student will be able to:                      discussion                       edition         Face
                                                        B.  Fibrous Joints                                                          Think-pair-  Laboratory
                                                        C.  Cartilaginous Joints            Name the three major                    share        worksheet
                                                        D.  Synovial Joints                   categories of joints and              Laboratory
                                                        E.  Types and Movements               compare the amount of                  work
                                                            at Synovial Joints                movement allowed by each.
                                                        F.  Types of Synovial Joints
                                                        G.  Details of a Synovial           Identify some of the causes of
                                                            Joints:  Knee Joint               bone and joint problems
                                                        H.  Aging and Joints                  throughout life.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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