Page 171 - BSN_COPC_v1
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               9
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                 Week      VII.   THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM                  At the end of the discussion, the            Lecture-     Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 11       Face to
                                 8                      A.  Overview of Muscular       student will be able to:                      discussion                       edition         face
                                                            Tissue                                                                  KWL          Laboratory
                                                               1.  Types of                 Describe similarities and              Laboratory   worksheet
                                                                   Muscular Tissue            differences in the structure           work
                                                               2.  Functions of               and function of the three types
                                                                   Muscular Tissue            of muscle tissue and indicate
                                                        B.  Skeletal Muscle Tissue            where they are found in the
                                                               1.  Connective                 body.
                                                                   Components               Describe the microscopic
                                                               2.  Nerve and Blood            structure of skeletal muscle
                                                                   Supply                     and explain the role of actin-
                                                               3.  Histology                  and myosin-containing
                                                        C.  Contraction and                   myofilaments.
                                                            Relaxation of Skeletal
                                                            Muscle                          List some criteria used in
                                                               1.  Neuromuscular              naming muscles.
                                                               2.  Sliding-Filament         Name and locate the major
                                                                   Mechanism                  muscles of the human body
                                                               3.  Physiology of              (on a torso model, muscle
                                                                   Contraction                chart, or diagram) and state
                                                               4.  Relaxation                 the action of each.
                                                               5.  Muscle Tone
                                                        D.  Metabolism of Skeletal          Describe the changes that
                                                            Muscle Tissue                     occur in aging muscles.
                                                               1.  Energy for
                                                               2.  Muscle Fatigue
                                                               3.  Oxygen
                                                                   After Exercise
                                                        E.  Control of Muscle

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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