Page 193 - BSN_COPC_v1
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             20
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                                               2.  Characteristics of       Identify the accessory eye             Self
                                                                   Sensations                 structures and list the                directed
                                                               3.  Types of Sensory           functions of each.                     learning
                                                        B.  Somatic Senses                  Identify the structures of the
                                                               1.  Tactile                    external, middle, and internal
                                                                   Sensations                 ear, and list the functions of
                                                               2.  Thermal                    each.
                                                               3.  Pain Sensations          Explain the function of the
                                                               4.  Proprioceptive             organ of Corti in hearing.
                                                        C.  Special Senses                  Describe the location,
                                                        D.  Olfaction:  Sense of              structure, and function of the
                                                            Smell                             olfactory and taste receptors.
                                                        E.  Gustation:  Sense of            Name the four basic taste
                                                        F.  Vision                            sensations and list factors that
                                                        K.  Hearing and Equilibrium           modify the sense of taste.
                                                                                            Describe changes that occur
                                                                                              with age in the special sense

                                 Week      XVII.  THE URINARY SYSTEM                   At the end of the discussion, the            Lecture-     Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 13       Face to
                                 16                     A.  Overview of the Urinary    student will be able to:                      discussion                       Edition         Face
                                                            System                                                                  Laboratory   Laboratory
                                                        B.  Structure of the Kidneys        Name the structures and                 work         worksheet
                                                               1.  External Anatomy           functions of organs within the        Self
                                                                   of the Kidneys             urinary system                         Directed
                                                               2.  Internal Anatomy         List the functions of the               Learning
                                                                   of the Kidneys             nephron
                                                               3.  Renal Blood

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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