Page 188 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 188

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                              17

 Describe the effects of aging on

    XIII.   NERVOUS SYSTEM   At the end of the discussion, the     Lecture-  Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 13    Face to
 A.  Overview of Nervous   student will be able to:   discussion   edition       Face
 System                        Laboratory   Laboratory
 1.  Structures of the     List the general functions of   work   worksheet
 Nervous System   the nervous system.
 2.  Functions of the Nervous
 System     Explain the structural and
 3.  Subdivisions of the   functional classifications of the
 Nervous System   nervous system.
 B.  Histology of Nervous Tissue     Define central nervous
 1.  Neurons
 2.  Neuroglia   system and peripheral
 3.  Myelination   nervous system and list the
 4.  Collections of Nervous   major parts of each.
 Tissue     Describe the general structure
 C.  Organization of the Nervous   of a neuron and name its
 1.  Central Nervous System   important anatomical regions.
 2.  Peripheral Nervous     Classify neurons according to
 System   structure and function.
 D.  Action Potential
 1.  Ion Channels     Describe the events that lead
 2.  Resting Membrane   to the generation of a nerve
 Potentials   impulse and its conduction
 3.  Generalization of Action   from one neuron to another.
 4.  Conduction of Nerve
 E.  Synaptic Transmission
 1.  Events at Synapse
 2.  Neurotransmitters

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