Page 183 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 183

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             15
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                                               1.  Blood Pressure           Discuss the unique features of
                                                               2.  Resistance                 special circulations of the
                                                               3.  Regulation of              body: arterial circulation of the
                                                                   Blood Pressure             brain, hepatic portal
                                                                   and Blood Flow             circulation, and fetal
                                                        C.  Circulatory Routes                circulation.
                                                               1.  Systemic
                                                                   Circulation              Define blood
                                                               2.  Pulmonary                  pressure and pulse and name
                                                                   Circulation                several pulse points.
                                                               3.  Hepatic Portal
                                                                   Circulation         Describe the effects of aging to the
                                                               4.  Fetal Circulation   cardiovascular system
                                                        D.  Checking Circulation
                                                               1.  Pulse
                                                               2.  Measurement of
                                                                   Blood Pressure
                                                        E.  Aging and the
                                                            Cardiovascular System

                                 Week      XII.   LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND                 At the end of the discussion, the            Lecture-     Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 13       Face to
                                 14               IMMUNITY                             student will be able to:                      discussion                       ed.             Face
                                                        A.  Lymphatic System                                                        Laboratory   Laboratory
                                                               1.  Lymphatic                Name the two major types of             work         worksheet
                                                                   Vessels and                structures composing the
                                                                   Lymph                      lymphatic system and explain
                                                                   Circulation                how the lymphatic system is
                                                               2.  Lymphatic                  functionally related to the
                                                                   Organs and                 cardiovascular and immune
                                                                   Tissues                    systems.
                                                        B.  Innate Immunity
                                                               1.  First Line of            Describe the composition of
                                                                   Defense:  Skin             lymph and explain its
                                                                   and Mucous                 formation and transport.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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