Page 182 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 182

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                              14

 1.  Vascular Spasm   an appropriate model or
 2.  Platelet Plug   diagram.
 3.  Blood Clotting     Trace the pathway of blood
 4.  Hemostatic   through the heart.
 Mechanisms     Define systole, diastole, stroke
 5.  Clotting in Blood   volume, and cardiac cycle.
 Vessels     Define heart
 D.  Blood Groups and Blood   sounds and murmur.
 1.  ABO Blood     Explain what information can
 Group   be gained from an
 2.  Rh Blood Group   electrocardiogram.
 3.  Transfusions
 4.  Typing and     Describe the effect of the
 Cross-Matching   following on heart rate:
 for Transfusion   stimulation by the vagusnerve,
    exercise, epinephrine, and
 various ions.

 Week   XI.   THE CARDIOVASCULAR   At the end of the discussion, the     Lecture-  Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 11  ed  Face to
 13   SYSTEM:  BLOOD VESSELS   student will be able to:   discussion             Face
 AND CIRCULATION               Laboratory   Laboratory
 A.  Blood Vessel Structure     Compare and contrast the   work   worksheet
 and Function   structure and function of     KWL
 1.  Arteries and   arteries, veins, and capillaries.
 2.  Capillaries     Identify the body's major
 3.  Venules and   arteries and veins and name
 Veins   the body region supplied by
 B.  Blood Flow Through   each.
 Blood Vessels

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