Page 179 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 179

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             13
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                                        C.  Exchange of Oxygen                volume, inspiratory reserve
                                                            and Carbon Dioxide                volume, and residual air.
                                                               1.  External
                                                                   Respiration:             Describe the process of gas
                                                                   Pulmonary Gas              exchanges in the lungs and
                                                                   Exchange                   tissues.
                                                               2.  Internal
                                                                   Respiration:             Describe how oxygen and
                                                                   Systemic Gas               carbon dioxide are
                                                                   Exchange                   transported in the blood.
                                                        D.  Transport of Respiratory
                                                            Gases                           Describe normal changes that
                                                               1.  Oxygen                     occur in respiratory system
                                                                   Transport                  functioning from infancy to old
                                                               2.  Carbon Dioxide             age.
                                                        E.  Control of Respiration
                                                               1.  Respiratory
                                                               2.  Regulation of the
                                                        F.  Exercise and the
                                                            Respiratory System
                                                        G.  Aging and the
                                                            Respiratory System

                                 Week      X.     THE CARDIOVASCULAR                   At the end of the discussion, the            Lecture-     Pencil-Paper test   Marieb 11       Face to
                                 12               SYSTEM:  BLOOD                       student will be able to:                      discussion                       ed.             Face
                                                        A.  Functions of Blood                                                      Laboratory   Laboratory
                                                        B.  Components of Whole             Describe the location of the            work         worksheet
                                                            Blood                             heart in the body and identify        KWL
                                                               1.  Blood Plasma               its major anatomical areas on
                                                               2.  Formed Elements
                                                        C.  Hemostasis

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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