Page 185 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 185

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             16
                                       MC 1-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

                                                               2.  Second Line of           Describe the function(s) of
                                                                   Defense:  Internal         lymph nodes, tonsils, the
                                                                   Defense                    thymus, Peyer's patches, and
                                                        C.  Adaptive Immunity                 the spleen.
                                                               1.  Maturation of T-
                                                                   Cells and B-Cells        Describe the protective
                                                               2.  Types of                   functions of skin and mucous
                                                                   Adaptive                   membranes.
                                                               3.  Clonal Selection:        Explain the importance of
                                                                   The Principle              phagocytes and natural killer
                                                               4.  Antigens and               cells.
                                                               5.  Processing and           Describe the inflammatory
                                                                   Presenting                 process.
                                                                   Antigens                 Compare and contrast the
                                                               6.  T-Cells and Cell-
                                                                   Mediated                   development of B and T cells.
                                                                   Immunity                 State the roles of B cells, T
                                                               7.  B-Cells and                cells, and plasma cells.
                                                                   Mediated                 Explain the importance of
                                                                   Immunity                   macrophages in immunity.
                                                               8.  Immunological
                                                                   Memory                   List the five antibody classes
                                                        D.  Aging and the Immune              and describe their specific
                                                            System                            roles in immunity.

                                                                                            Describe several ways in
                                                                                              which antibodies act against
                                                                                            Distinguish between active
                                                                                              and passive immunity.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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