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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                3

 Frame   Intended Learning   Teaching and           Teaching and
 Learning Content    Learning Activities   Learning                          Modality
 Outcomes (ILOs)                                Learning References/
        (TLAs)              Assessments               Resources

 Week   I. University Vision,   At the end of the session,    Lecture-discussion   Written examination   VanMeter, K., & Hubert,  Face to Face
 1-2   Mission, Goals and   students are expected to:     Laboratory   R. J. (2021).
 Objectives, College ILO,   A.  Demonstrate knowledge   exercises      Microbiology for the
 Program ILO, College   of University’s VMGO,   Healthcare Professional
                                               (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
 Policies, Grading system   and College policies and
 Course Requirements   guidelines, targets,    Anthikad, J., &
    grading system and                         Sumanaswini, P.
 II.  Introduction to   course requirements of   (2013). Medical
 Microbiology and   the subject                microbiology for nurses:
 Parasitology                                  Including parasitology.
 A.Definition of   B.  Define microbiology,    Jaypee Brothers
 Microbiology    pathogen, nonpathogen         Medical Publishers.
 B.History of Microbiology   and opportunistic
 C.Applications of   pathogen                  Bartolome, F. A., &
 Microbiology   C.  List several reasons why   Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 D.Tools of Microbiology:   microorganisms are   Microbiology and
 Microscopy & Units of                         parasitology: A textbook
 measurement   important                       and laboratory manual
 D.  Explain the relationship                  for the health sciences
 between                                       (2nd ed.). C&E
 microorganisms and                            Publishing Inc.
 infectious diseases
 E.  Explain the
 interrelationships among
 the following metric
 system units of length:
 centimeters, millimeters,
 and nanometers

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