Page 231 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 231

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                5

 B.  Eukaryotic Microbes  A.   Describe   the   Think-pair-share   Including parasitology.
 [Click  to  enter  sub-  characteristics   used   to   Jaypee Brothers
 learning  content,  press  classify or categorize viruses    Medical Publishers.
 enter to continue adding  B.   Compare   and
 sub-learning contents]   contrast viruses and bacteria   Bartolome, F. A., &
    C.   List several important                Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 viral  and  bacterial  diseases               Microbiology and
 of humans                                     parasitology: A textbook
 D.   List  various  ways  in                  and laboratory manual
 which  bacteria  can  be                      for the health sciences
 classified                                    (2nd ed.). C&E
 E.   Compare   and                            Publishing Inc.
 contrast   the   differences
 among algae, protozoa and
 F.   List  the  four  major
 categories  of  protozoa  and
 their   differentiating
 G.   Enumerate infectious
 diseases   caused   by
 eukaryotic microbes
 Week   V.   Controlling   the  At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Written examination   Anthikad, J., &   Face to Face
 7-8   Growth of Microorganisms  students are expected to:     Laboratory   Sumanaswini, P.
 A. Controlling   exercises                    (2013). Medical
 microbial growth in   A.   Discuss  factors  that   microbiology for nurses:
 vitro   affect   the   growth   of            Including parasitology.
 B. Controlling   microorganisms               Jaypee Brothers
 microbial growth in vivo   B.   Enumerate  in  vitro   Medical Publishers.
 through   antimicrobial   sites where microbial growth
 agents   is encouraged and inhibited          Bartolome, F. A., &
 C.   Differentiate  among                     Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 sterilization, disinfection and               Microbiology and
                                               parasitology: A textbook
                                               and laboratory manual

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