Page 233 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 233

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                6

 D.   Compare   and                            for the health sciences
 contrast  chemotherapeutic                    (2nd ed.). C&E
 agents, antimicrobial agents                  Publishing Inc.
 and antibiotics

 Week 9  MIDTERM

 Week   VI.   Epidemiology   and  At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Written examination   Anthikad, J., &   Face to Face
 10-11   Public Health   students are expected to:     Laboratory   Sumanaswini, P.
 A.Epidemiology   exercises   Case Report      (2013). Medical
 B.Interactions   among   A.   Define epidemiology   microbiology for nurses:
 pathogens,  hosts  and   B.   Differentiate  among   Case Study   Including parasitology.
 the environment   infectious,   communicable   Jaypee Brothers
 C.Chain of infection   and contagious diseases   Medical Publishers.
 D.Reservoirs of infection   C.   Differentiate between
 Modes of transmission   the  incidence  of  a  disease   Bartolome, F. A., &
 and  the  prevalence  of  a                   Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 disease                                       Microbiology and
 D.   Define   sporadic,                       parasitology: A textbook
 endemic,   nonendemic,                        and laboratory manual
 epidemic   and   pandemic                     for the health sciences
 diseases                                      (2nd ed.). C&E
 E.   List   the   six                         Publishing Inc.
 components  of the  chain  of
 F.   Enumerate   the
 different modes of infectious
 disease transmission
 Week   VII.   Microbiology in   At  the  end  of  the  session,   Lecture-discussion   Pencil-Paper test   Anthikad, J., &   Face to Face
 12-13   Healthcare Facilities   students are expected to:    Laboratory exercises   Worksheet   Sumanaswini, P.
                         exercises             (2013). Medical
  A. Healthcare   A.   Differentiate  among    microbiology for nurses:
 epidemiology   nosocomial,   community        Including parasitology.

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