Page 235 - BSN_COPC_v1
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                7

 B.Diagnosing   acquired   and   iatrogenic    Jaypee Brothers
 infectious diseases   infections              Medical Publishers.
 B.   List  pathogens  that
 most   commonly   cause                       Bartolome, F. A., &
 nosocomial infections                         Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 C.   Identify  patients  who                  Microbiology and
 are vulnerable to nosocomial                  parasitology: A textbook
 infections                                    and laboratory manual
 D.   Differentiate between                    for the health sciences
 standard-based   and                          (2nd ed.). C&E
 transmission-based                            Publishing Inc.
 E.   Discuss  the  role  of
 the  healthcare  professional
 in  the  collection  of  clinical
 F.   Perform  the  proper
 procedures  for  obtaining
 blood,  urine,  cerebrospinal
 fluid, sputum, throat, wound,
 and fecal specimens
 Week   VIII.  Pathogenicity   and  At  the  end  of  the  session,     Lecture-  Pencil-Paper test   Anthikad, J., &   Face to Face
 14-15   Host Defense Mechanisms  students are expected to:    discussion   Sumanaswini, P.
 A.  Pathogenesis   of  A.   Identify  the  steps  in     Minute paper      (2013). Medical
 infectious diseases   the  pathogenesis  of  an   microbiology for nurses:
 B.  Nonspecific   host  infectious disease      Including parasitology.
 defense   B.   Describe the  lines  of        Jaypee Brothers
 mechanisms   defense used by the body to      Medical Publishers.
 C.  Specific   host  combat pathogens
 defense   C.   Define  immunology,            Bartolome, F. A., &
 mechanisms   immunity,   antigenic            Quiles, E. P. (2020).
 determinant,                                  Microbiology and
 immunoglobulins,   primary                    parasitology: A textbook
 response,   secondary                         and laboratory manual
 response,                                     for the health sciences

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