Page 250 - BSN_COPC_v1
P. 250
MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking
Time Intended Learning Outcomes Learning
Frame Learning Content (ILOs) Learning Assessments Teaching and Learning Modality
Activities References/Resources
Week 1 University Vision, Mission, At the end of the session, nursing Lecturette Quiz Resources / References Face to face
Goals and Objectives ,College students are expected to: Jingle Presentation of
ILO, Program ILO, College Demonstrate knowledge of Composition the composed Administration Manual.
Policies, Grading system University’s VMGO, and College jingle Academic Manual, Student
Course Requirements Manual
policies and guidelines, targets,
grading system and course CMO of the Program/s
requirements of the subject
Week 2 1. Introduction At the end of the session, nursing Lecturette Assignment Nery: Logic with Ethics and Face-to-face
a. Definition of Philosophy students are expected to: Class Quiz Values Education
b. Material and formal discussion
objects Discuss the importance of logic Pasigui et al.: Integrated
c. Methods and branches and philosophy. Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
d. Historical development Approach
of Logic Compare and contrast philosophy
and logic.
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024