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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               4
                                       MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

                                   Time                                       Intended Learning Outcomes                            Learning
                                  Frame           Learning Content                        (ILOs)                  Learning       Assessments         Teaching and Learning         Modality
                                                                                                                  Activities                         References/Resources
                                Week 3       2.  The Domains of Logic        At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette    Assignment         Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
                                              a.  Formal and material        students are expected to:          Class           Quiz               Values Education
                                                  logic                                                         discussion
                                              b.  Arguments, premises,       Explain why critical thinking has a                                   Pasigui et al.: Integrated
                                                                                                                                                   Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
                                                  and conclusion             broad scope while logic has a                                         Approach Chapter 1
                                              c.  Divisions of logic: simple   narrow focus.
                                                  apprehension, judgment,
                                                  and reasoning
                                                                             Exemplify how arguments are the
                                                                             common ground of logic and
                                                                             critical thinking.

                                                                             Appraise the importance of logic
                                                                             as a tool in human reasoning.

                                 Week 4      3.  The Need for Critical       At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette    Assignment         Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
                                                 Thinking                    students are expected to:          Class           Quiz               Values Education
                                              a.  Critical thinking vs.                                         discussion                         Pasigui et al.: Integrated
                                                  reasoning                  Distinguish critical thinking from                                    Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
                                              b.  Thinking can be            reasoning.                                                            Approach Chapter 2
                                                                             Illustrate how critical thinking and
                                                                             reasoning are applied in
                                                                             paramedical disciplines.

                                                                             Illustrate how arguments improve

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