Page 17 - NMI handbook 2020-2021
P. 17

This coming year, I challenge you to get involved in your own miracle story.
              Become a part of Kingdom building through giving or through going, both are
              equally important.

                                                    How can you get involved? Think outside the box.
                                                    Nazarene Work and Witness was founded by
                                                    thinking outside the box. A group of concerned
                                                    laymen wanted to meet the needs they saw and
                                                    found ways to meet those needs. They stretched
                                                    conventional thinking and formed what is now
                                                    Nazarene Work and Witness.

                                                    Work and Witness continues to build much
                                                    needed churches, schools and other buildings
              and share God’s word through Vacation Bible School, but there are many new ways
              Work and Witness is sharing God’s love – medical missions, pastoral education,
              Jesus Film ministry, sports camps, sharing a cup of coffee, participating in English
              as a Second Language classes, encouraging other believers, even pinewood derby
              races. The opportunities to share God’s love is endless if we continue to thing
              outside the box.

              Even the process of preparing a team is changing. Many teams include members
              from various churches, even some that do not profess a faith in Christ but believe
              in the value of helping others. They too can share in the experience of learning of
              a God that loves them.

              If you’re planning a team or are looking for a team to join, please let me know. I’d
              love the opportunity to help you in your process, possibly open your eyes to other
              ways you can stretch outside the box to get involved in your own miracle story.

              Respectfully submitted,

              Victor Morrison
              NW District NMI Work & Witness Coordinator

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