Page 21 - NMI handbook 2020-2021
P. 21

Global Missions

                                    Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

                The Shea Center is continues to be used in many
                ways to reach out to others:

                Northwest Connect operates “A Hand Up”, a non-
                food pantry. They have been able to receive grants
                enabling them to get large quantities of supplies,
                such as napkins, paper towels, diapers, etc. And
                the Shea Center is used to store these items as
                they come available.

                Also, medical equipment such as beds, warming units, etc., are being housed in the
                Shea Center. John Filmore and his crew drop off equipment for storage that they
                eventually turn around and deliver to Nampa, ID to the “Hands of Hope” where they
                will be shipped out to be used in many locations with a need.

                Churches can bring their Crisis Care Kits to be stored until they too can be delivered
                to “Hands of Hope.”

                Praise the Lord for the Shea Center! What a wonderful tool of ministry it has become.


                 NCA-NW is a network of compassionate ministries joining with each other to improve
                 and enlarge Christian response to human need.

                 The Northwest District is committed to working with other Districts in our region to
                 coordinate, collaborate, and network the compassionate ministries in our region.

                 There has been good work done by the Washington Pacific District recently to form
                 an organization called Nazarene Compassion Alliance-Northwest (NCA-NW)NW).
                 Northwest District has been contributing to that effort for at least 2 years. Recently
                 NCA-NW had a change of leadership and they are regrouping. While the Alliance is
                 regrouping we have stopped sending in district funds. WAPAC Superintendent Jerry
                 Kester is actively working to get this up and running as soon as a good leader is
                 found. Once there is an active leader in place our district fully intends to begin
                 financial support again.

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