Page 23 - NMI handbook 2020-2021
P. 23
Regional Areas
Contrasts and complexities of Africa
Africa is the second largest continent in the world.
There are 54 independent countries, 1.3 billion people (more
than half the population is under age 25), 3,000 ethnic
groups, and 2,000 spoken languages.
Africa is now one of the most rapidly urbanizing parts of
the world with projections that urban population will
increase to 50% by 2030 and 60% by 2050.
The Church of the Nazarene is making Christlike disciples
throughout 40 different countries across seven fields.
Tribute to Yao Clémént Djédjé
“I serve God to be used to serve others” Yao Clément Djéjé’s motto
On the night of November 18 2019, I received a message from Rev. Moise Toumoudagou
saying: “My brother, we have lost ‘old Djédjé’… I am in tears.”
We called him affectionately “the old father” because he was the oldest among us and he was
also the one who would come and meet us in the cool of the night to advise us. “Old father”
we will miss you.
Yao Clément Djédjé naturally modeled key African values and lived them as a disciple of
Jesus-Christ. He demonstrated the values of hospitality, friendship, loyalty, selflessness and
generosity. His strong passion for souls and love for missions led him to open the work of
the Church of the Nazarene in Guinea Conakry and to respond later in his life to the call to
serve in the Sahel countries. At an age when many are considering retirement, he decided to
go and serve the Lord out of his country: Côte d’Ivoire
I thank God for the example and life of Djédjé and for being an apostle of God’s work in the
Rest now from your labor dear Yao Clément for your deeds will follow you. (Rev. 14.13)
Source: Africa Region Website