Page 2 - Larry Early Memorial eBrochure
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Larry Darnell Early left his earthly temple to dwell in the arms of our Lord and Savior on
                  March 31  2021. Larry was bom April 15. 1957 to Estella Moore Wllhe and David Earty.
                  Sr. in West Helena, Arkansas.  Larry was baptJzed at an early age at Second Baptist
                  Church under the leadership of Rev. Etland.  Larry was a graduate or the CentraJ High
                  School  Class  of  1975. After  graduation,  Lany  er,~sted  1n  the  US.  Navy  where  he
                  served for 4 years and received an honorable dlSCharge. After his discharge, he mo"ed
                  to Llttle Rock. Arkansas where he began his career as a firefighter.  Larry moved! back
                  to his hometown and continued his career as a firefighter with the Caty of Helena. Larry
                  worked at the Helena-West Helena School district for a YAliJe before moving to Jonesooro.
                  Arkansas. After  working  in  manufadunng  tn  Jonesboro. he became  di  and moved  to
                  Jackson. Tennessee to be near his daughter 1  llera.

                  Larry  was  preceded  in  death  by his parents, Estena  Willie.  Swanoll  Wilhe  and  David
                  Early,  Sr ..  his  grandmother.  Viola  Banks and  a  sister,  Cynthia  Wdhe.  He  leaves  to
                  cherish  his memory: his wife. Cassandra  Early; his daughter,  llera Gamion (Chris) of
                  Jackson  TN: SIX  brothers  - David  Ear1y  (Cynthia)  of Jackson. TN;  Raymond  Wdlte
                  (Jeanette) of Helena.  AR;  M1Chae(  W1ll1e,  Kenneth  Withe.  Greg  Wilhe  (Rebecca)  and
                  Noms (Jayniece) all of Jonesboro, AR. Eight sisters - Sharon  Crawford  (Chns) of Danas.
                  TX;  Jacqueline West (Eric) and Cheryt Webb (runottiy) of Jonestx>ro, * car1a  Sullivan
                  (Simuel) of Jackson, TN: Tracey Willie of Lancaster, TX; Debra Wtllae of Lewisville. TX:
                  Sondra  Willie  and  Barbara  Greer  (Jammy)  of Jonesboro,  AR.  He also leaves  three
                  grandch1Jdren  (Aaltya  Early.  Nadia  Early,  Ty1er  E.arly)  and  one  great.grandchild
                  (Malaysia Ewing) whom he loved dearty.  Larry a1so  leaves a  host of  nieces
                  and nephews who affecttenately called him .. Larry E·.

                  Larry enJOyed life and most of an en,oyed spendu,g ume with his family  He was a humble.
                  soft-spoken man of few words.  Larry was a founding member of King Asa Lodge #6
                  A.F. & A.M. of Jonesboro. A.Rand also Hiram of Tyre Lodge #9 AF. & A.M. of Jonesboro.
                  AR (operating under the Most Worshipful  King David Grand Lodge of Little Rock, AR)
                  where he served 1n  the posruon of Ty1er. He en,oyed fellowship with his MasonJc brothers
                  and  O E.S.  sisters.  where he volunteered 1n  many community service  ptOJects.  Larry
                  also enpyed serving In the cm.m:h; he was an Usher and served humbly in trus capaoty for
                  many years.
                                                          'Jo M)  Dad
                    You \H!reah-.u)::. m_>  llem  You \\ere Lmnhcant!d, Admuuble, Righteous., Raior-Sh.arp. and
                    Yem.  You "ere Larr) . You s:uled all-a.muntl the "orld with grear expect.allons. 8ttumu12 a
                   lir~L rc:)pt""'nder  HlU Y.Crt -:,Uth an m::.parJUon, not Just ro me,  but to pl~nt). The ll\e:) )OU SJ\~J.
                   wow 1 There \\ ere niai1y! N~" er boasuog or btag!!mg about aJl yow achae\ ements,  truih?a~ } ou
                    ul,, a) s ~nt qu1dl)  ol\\'3} ~ m Lhe :)tale of t.i.,cm~nt  l..(), c and kindness \\ ere yow  hue. I ~
                                   God for 1:\c" moment I h:td "uh )OU'  fhank you for  bemg
                                                 \1y DAD, My IIERO My Al.L
                                                           With LO\t

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