Page 3 - Larry Early Memorial eBrochure
P. 3

Processional .....................................•........................... J<tncaid Directors lt'I Charge
                  Scriprure ........................................................................................................... Pulpil
                  Prayer ................................................................................ Rev. Anthony Banks. Sr.
                  Solo ................................................................................. Cordeha Pierce Foster
                  ~presslOO (3 mmutes please)
                  Sofo .................................................................................................. Cha.rtes GLbson
                  Resolubon/R.emarks (CHS Class of 1975) ...................................... Regener Boards
                  Acknowledgements .•............•.•..•....•..•..•..•.....••.......•........................ Brandy Andrews
                  Ob,tuary  .............................................................................................. Read SdenUy
                  Solo ............................................................................................... Beve11y Tr,ce Bell
                  Eulogy.........................................................................  .  ...... Rev  Jarv,s L Smith
                  Recesslonal .................................................................. J(jncald Oarectors in Charge

                                  Dewayne Barber I Fred Owens I Kaddnn Fnerson. Sr.
                                      Dexter Smith I Loyed Pruitt I Jeffery Feemster

                                     HONORARY  PALLBEAR IERS
                                        David Early I Raymond Willie I Mike Willie
                                           Ken Wlllle I ~ Wlllte I Norris Willie

                                         AC KNOW L IEDG EM E NTS
                      Perhaps you sang a lovely 50!'9. or sat quLetly in a chair.  Perhaps you sent
                   beautiful flowers  1f so. y..e saw them there.  Perhaps you were not there at au, just
                    thought of us that day  Perhaps you rendered a service unseen, near at hand or
                       from afar.  Whale"tJer you did to console the heart, we thank you so much-
                  whatever lhe part. The family would hke to express thanks to all Who Share our gnef
                  during this time of bereavement. We want to acknow1edge w,th sincere appreciauon
                  the many expressions or love. concern and kindness shown to us dunng our time of
                                  bereavement May God bless and keep each of you.

                                      Personal and Profess,onal Care Entrusted to

                                              ~11·1dtl Jm,, rnl ~' ,,,,,., ()
                            Main: 1188 Hwy. 49 • West Helena. AR 72390 • (870) 572-3336
                             2615 S. Washington • Forrest City. AR 72335 " (870) 833--3330
                                  onlme guestbOok at

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