Page 19 - JDRF Journey for T1D Auction Book 2021
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 CENTERPIECES  Shinola watch Runwell 41mm  Interfuse eye treatment 100 dollar gift   Medium Ice Cream Cake from Michigan
 2 lovely tabletop greens centerpieces    Donated by: Mr. Jeff Weber  card, facial cleanser and sunscreen.  Creamery
 from KBK Garden Centers, perfect for   Donated by: Dr. Myra Danish  Certificate/code for 2 players
 holiday entertaining                      Gift Card  $25 to Forever 21
 Restrictions: Valid after November 21,
 2021. To be used for 2021 Holiday    TYROLEAN SPORT
 season. Expires December 21, 2021  SKI PACKAGE    
 Donated by: KBK Garden Center  LARGE VERA  Tyroleansport is offering this ski lesson   BRADLEY DUFFLE
 & lift ticket package for winter 2022                       FALL FAMILY FUN
 season. Includes (6) three hour group   Large Vera Bradley duffle bag - perfect
 HOLIDAY PORCH POT   lessons, and (6) lift tickets! These will   for a weekend trip!  Four passes to Wiards Country Fair
 ARRANGEMENTS  take place at Mt. Holly Ski Resort,  Basket of Smokehouse 52 famous sauces
 2 large porch pot green arrangements   located in Fenton, MI.  & Gift Card to restaurant
 from KBK Garden Centers, perfect for   Restrictions: No cash value.  Chateau Chantal Naughty Apple
 holiday decorating  Donated by: Mrs. Amy Shehab  ANN ARBOR FARMER  Michigan Hard Cider
 Restrictions: Valid after November 20,   MARKET BASKET      MJR Movie passes
 2021. To be used for 2121 holiday                           Restrictions: Valid Sept 11 - Oct 30, 2022
 season, expires December 31, 2021  WASHTENAW GOLF  $25 Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market Tokens   weekends
 Donated by: KBK Garden Center  Enjoy your day while playing18 holes of   $25 Sparrow   Movie Passes Expire Oct 21, 2022  golf and cart with friends at Washtenaw   $25 Monahan’s
 Golf Club. 4 players.  Fustini’s Picual Olive Oil (200ml) and 18 Year Balsamic Vinegar
 U OF M FOOTBALL  Restrictions: Valid after 11am on    (200ml) Spice & Tea Merchants Tuscan Spice, Himalayan
        Fine Sea Salt, Black Truffle Sea Salt, and Moonlight Earl Grey
 weekdays and 12pm on weekends
 TICKETS  Black Tea                                          DINNER, SHOPPING
 4 tickets to the University of Michigan   Donated by: Washtenaw Golf Club  Donated by: Mrs. Elizabeth Caswell  AND A MOVIE
 vs the Indiana Hoosiers at the 50 yard
 line (Sec. 23 Row 41, Seats 18-21) on    UNLIMITED FAST     Catching Fireflies $27 Certificate.
 November 6, 2021  PASS TO ZIPPY  DINE IN/DINE OUT           Good at all 3 locations: Ann Arbor,
 Restrictions: Must be used for the University of   AUTO WASH  $75 Miss Kim   Berkley & Rochester
 Michigan vs Indiana Hoosier game on November 6, 2021  $75 Eat Ann Arbor (locations in Kerrytown    $50 Gift card to Fresh Forage
 Donated by: McKinley Associates, LLC  12 month Unlimited Platinum fast pass for Zippy Auto Wash  and on Packard) Two Bottles of Wine    4 movie passes
 Donated by: Zippy Auto Wash  from Everyday Wines 2020 Bellula Rose    Restrictions: Must present the certificate - bring in the post
        South of France, 2019 Domaine
 U OF M HOCKEY TICKETS  Bousquet Malbec Argentina  card and get $27 off your total. Passes expire 12/31/2021
 4 tickets to a University of Michigan    Donated by: Mrs. Elizabeth Caswell
 Hockey game right behind the penalty                        DETROIT LIONS
 box for any home game during the    TENNIS LESSONS    LUNCH AND A MOVIE  PACKAGE
 regular 2021-2022 season.  AND MEMBERSHIP   Fabulous lunch for two at Monahan’s   Detroit Lions Game: 4 tickets to the
 Restrictions: Winner must contact Meri   AT CHIPPEWA CLUB  Seafood    December 5, 2021 game vs. Minnesota
 Evans at: at    Tennis lessons from one of the    MJR Movie passes  Vikings plus one parking pass.  Plus
 least 2 weeks prior to the desired game in order to reserve   Chippewa Club professionals and a    autographed memorabilia.
 the 4 tickets. Parking is not included  one year single tennis membership.  Restrictions: Expire Dec 31, 2021  Donated by: Ford Global Action Team
 Donated by: McKinley Associates, LLC
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