Page 23 - JDRF Journey for T1D Auction Book 2021
P. 23

 BASKET  BASKET                  Thank You

 At Home Relaxation Basket - 2 coloring   20oz Tumbler, Massage Bar, Cold
 books, “calm” coloring book, “tranquility”   Therapy Roller, Running Waist Pack,
 coloring book, coloring pencils, 2 top    Microfiber Fitness Towel, Liquid IV
 rated books, bookmark, loofah, bath    Hydration Multiplier (6 pack of
 bomb, bubble bath, body lotion, foot   electrolyte powder packets in    FOR JOINING US
 scrub  strawberry flavor), workout dice
 Donated by: Meezan Hamzavi  Donated by: Connor Rzeszut
            With the generosity of our united Michigan and Northern Ohio T1D

 LANCE CASWELL   BELLA DOWNEY   Community, we are able to advance life-changing research projects into
 YOUTH AMBASSADOR  YOUTH AMBASSADOR   tangible treatments, and ultimately a cure, for those living with and
 For the coffee lover: includes a French   A cozy night in. A basket with cozy   affected by T1D. We know with your commitment and dedication, we
 Press, mug and ground coffee from   blankets, wine, wine glasses and a Door   can TURN TYPE ONE INTO TYPE NONE.
 Mighty Good and Roost Roast.  Dash gift card.
 Donated by: Lance Caswell  Donated by: Bella Downey
            How you can help TURN TYPE ONE INTO TYPE NONE – Fund A Cure

 AVERY DREFFS    VIOLET HOLBROOK   Fund A Cure provides JDRF with the dollars needed to move game
 YOUTH AMBASSADOR   YOUTH AMBASSADOR   changing therapies and technologies out of the lab and into the
 20oz Tumbler, Massage Bar, Cold    Harvest Time:  2 Harvest Gnomes 15”   waiting hands of the T1D community. We lack only the money to
 Therapy Roller, Running Waist Pack,    with lighted nose, Mulling Brew Mix and   keep our ambitions alive.
 Microfiber Fitness Towel, Liquid IV    Carmel Apple Dip Mix.  2 mugs and
 Hydration Multiplier (6 pack of    $40 gift certificate to the Mole Hole in
 electrolyte powder packets in    Marshall, MI  Even during this time, we are optimistic that increased and focused
 strawberry flavor), workout dice  Donated by:  Violet Holbrook
 Donated by: Avery Dreffs  research funding will help us reach our goal. Together we will be
            known as the people who cured diabetes. 100% of your Fund A

            Cure donation goes to JDRF research.
            Give now and create a world without T1D.


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