Page 22 - Litter Toolkit
P. 22



        Plastic is all around us, it’s everywhere. It would be a   pupils to take packaging out of the canteen, as well as
        challenge to live without it as the number of everyday   reducing packaging options for sale in the first place.   ACTIONS: Let’s Go
        products made from plastic is immense.              Pupils have been financially encouraged to use reusable
                                                            cups for water instead of buying a bottle and an iced   Look around your school and make a list of every
        Because so much plastic is littered, it has become a   lemon water dispenser installed. Pupils have also been   item made from plastic. Make a list of alternatives
        serious threat to the planet.  A hundred years ago there   encouraged to use washable salad bowls.        and consider making a swap.
        was no plastic, but now we find it in the ocean, around
        our coastlines and in our cities and countryside.   Pupils from Magor Church in Wales Primary School ran   Investigate how much plastic waste your school
                                                            an activity entitled ‘No Plastic, That’s fantastic!’ They   generates. Think of ways this can be reduced.
        Dr Anthony Andrady, a plastics expert, said in the early   undertook a plastic audit and created a pile of plastic
        2000’s: ‘Except for a small amount that has been    classroom items to highlight how reliant the school is on   Has your school got a recycling facility for plastics?
        incinerated, every bit of plastic manufactured in the   plastic.                                          If so, is it being used? Can you encourage pupils to
        world for the last fifty years or so still remains. It’s                                                  use it more?
        somewhere in the environment.’                      They involved the whole school  in a plastic free day,
                                                            banning plastic pens, computers and even furniture!
        Because of this, what we do with our plastic waste is
        very important. Plastic bottles can be recycled in our   Everybody was suddenly very aware of the amount of     Wrap
        schools, homes and communities or be reused in a    plastic they use in everyday life and started to think
        variety of ways.                                    about what alternatives there are and how practical         Pledge for Plastics
                                                            they might be. The pupils also considered where
        School examples                                     plastic actually comes from and the environmental
                                                            consequences of the production process.                     MCS Plastic Challenge
        Caerleon Comprehensive pupils in Newport discovered
        they were generating too much plastic waste. In just one  Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr hired a plastic bottle   Plastic Pollution Coalition
        area of the school, almost 1,000 plastic bottles were   recycling machine. The machine dispensed a raffle prize
        being recycled every week and others were going to   token for every 50th bottle deposited. In one term,        British Plastics Federation
        landfill after being treated as litter.             more than 1,000 bottles were saved from being littered      education programme
                                                            or sent to landfill, and there were plenty of very happy
        They have drastically reduced their litter by not allowing   prize-winners!                                     Greenpeace ‘Nine ways to reduce plastic use’
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