Page 10 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
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New Coordinators Training has run each term to support numerous coordinators whilst also
due to popular demand. Run over two sessions, allowing them the time to share good practice.
we give an in-depth breakdown of how to The training was run during the autumn term
effectively run the Eco-Schools programme in and was well attended.
school and embed it into the life of the whole
school so that as many pupils as possible can Dynamic Dunescape was a new session this
take part and benefit from positive action. year in which we were joined by an expert from
Secondary focussed sessions have also run each Plantlife’s Dynamic Dunescape project to find
term. out more about the amazing habitats found
along our coast, and to share how our coastal
Linking to the Curriculum Training supports landscape can be used as a valuable teaching
teachers by modelling how to link each of resource.
the Eco-Schools seven steps into classwork to
achieve a true whole-school approach. It also Life Below Water were teacher training sessions
shows how facilitating class-based positive for secondary educators that ran over 5 weeks
action can support mental wellbeing and combat in partnership with the Marine Conservation
eco-anxiety. This was also run as a secondary Society. Ideas and practical activities to support
focussed training. a thematic approach in delivering the new
curriculum were explored. By the end of the
training, teachers had a good understanding of
School Grounds for Wildlife Training is a the importance of our oceans and a recognition
popular session that explores the importance of the key threats our oceans face. They also
of biodiversity within school grounds and were given access to a range of resources to
how simple steps can be taken to improve support a thematic, cross-curricular approach
habitats within them. Curriculum based to teaching about ocean issues in secondary
activities are demonstrated, expanding teacher schools.
understanding and knowledge, and highlighting Work has started to alter this training for a
the connections that can be made between primary audience and adapt the resources
young people and nature. This year we ran this accordingly. This is planned for delivery in
training during the spring term in Welsh and summer 2023.
English with high levels of attendance.
We also worked in partnership with the
National Education Union to deliver webinars
Platinum Renewal Training is a session designed to educators across Wales on how to bring Eco-
to help platinum-awarded schools with the Schools into their school and use our resources
renewal process. These schools often have new to support development of the Curriculum for
coordinators who need support and guidance Wales.
with how to continue operating as a platinum
level school. This training is an efficient way