Page 7 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 7
Secondary School Progression
Secondary engagement with Eco-Schools is growing. This year 110 secondary schools engaged
with us, including 50 that currently have an Eco-Schools green flag.
Engagement with secondary schools has been developed through the following activities this
The development of WJEC approved Welsh focussed on the Eco-Schools process and where
Baccalaureate resources for Foundation/ secondary schools may encounter barriers. We
National level covering the topics of E-Waste, are using the outcomes of these discussions to
Marine Litter and Single Use plastic. Several support secondary schools in their engagement
schools are planning to utilise this for a second with the programme.
year. This was further facilitated through
collaboration with the Central South Education Developing resources applicable to a range
Consortium Welsh Baccalaureate teacher of subjects for 11- 14 years which link to the
network. Curriculum for Wales. The latest resource
presents four activities which introduce topics
A Half-termly secondary Eco-Coordinators of Fast Fashion and Circular Economy. The
drop-in sessions. The informal, virtual sessions resources have been well received and we
giving the opportunity for teachers to share anticipate creating further aimed at developing
experiences of delivering Eco-Schools at a more sophisticated understanding of the topic
secondary schools. areas.
A focus group with secondary school
coordinators. This successful, well attended
focus group ran to facilitate discussions