Page 4 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 4

Eco-Schools Progression

         Outputs                                                                          Target       Total

         Number of registered Eco-Schools progressing one award level (not                  115         147
         including platinum renewals)

         Number of platinum schools renewing their award                                    350         365

      Progression  for Eco-Schools  Wales faced  a  Including  platinum  award  renewals,  we  have
      primary challenge of ensuring  that we re- conducted 515 assessments, and seen schools
      engaged with  those Schools  for whom  the  once again developing a wide range of inspiring
      renewal process was impacted during  the  pupil-led actions.
      period of the pandemic.  The education team

      has  worked  with  schools  across  Wales  to  We  are  continuing  to  see  more  primary
      support their progress through virtual training,  schools adopt a whole school approach to the
      pupil workshops, and one-to-one support.               programme, whereby each class takes an Eco-
                                                             Schools topic and carries out related work and
      As such we  are  pleased to report that the  practical  actions  to  achieve  a  cross  curricular
      number  of  registered Eco-Schools  progressing  and  holistic  school  approach.  This  approach
      one award level (not including platinum award  helps support the integration of the Curriculum,
      renewals) this year is 147.                            as well  as fully  embedding  the Eco-Schools
                                                             process into school life.

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