Page 12 - Spring 2023 e-Newsletter (ENG)
P. 12

Policy and research in action                                                                                           The Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill will mean

                                                                                                                               that from autumn 2023 retailers will need to stop selling these single use plastic
      How  many  of  us  imagined  when  we                      phones in hand, often muttering under                         items:
      were children that we would be able to                     their breath as they count littered items

      speak to friends on the other side of the                  on streets acrossthe length and breadth
      world through our computer screens or                      of Wales.                                                          ●  Cutlery

      be asking Alexa to switch off the lights?
                                                                 Collecting  data  about  types  of  litter                         ●  Plates

      The  incredible  tools  that  many  of                     and understanding the reasons behind                               ●  Stirrers
      use  every  day  have  all  been  achieved                 it allows us to fight for better laws and                          ●  Drinking straws (unless for health needs)

      through ground-breaking research. But                      strategies  that  stop  the  problem  at                           ●  Plastic stemmed cotton buds
      despite  the  technological  innovation,                   source.

      we are still working out how to prevent                                                                                       ●  Balloon sticks
      litter and live alongside each other in a                  Did you know that Keep Wales Tidy has                              ●  Polystyrene fast-food containers, cups and lids

      way that doesn’t wreck the planet.                         been actively involved in two changes
                                                                 which will soon start to make Wales a
      Policy and research underpin everything                    cleaner and more sustainable place?                          The  second  important  step  towards                       Keep  Wales  Tidy  has  been  a  strong

      we  do  at  Keep  Wales  Tidy.  We  have                                                                                reducing litter is confirmation that Wales                  supporter of this move and the data we

      a  dedicated  team  of  experts  who                       In 2022, the Senedd passed a law which                       will  go  ahead  with  a  drink’s  container                have  collected  and  shared  with  Welsh
      continually monitor key issues, develop                    will  ban  a  range  of  frequently  littered                deposit return scheme. A small deposit                      Government  shows  how  much  impact
      guidance, and evaluate the impact of all                   single-use  plastic  items  which  could                     will be paid on every plastic bottle, can                   this can have.

      our initiatives.                                           remain in the environment for hundreds                       or glass bottle and this will be reclaimed
                                                                 of years. Our street cleanliness surveys                     when  the  container  is  returned  to  the                 Our  street  cleanliness  surveys  are

      Every  year  our  officers  can  be  seen                  provided  invaluable  data  to  prove  this                  retailer.                                                   regularly finding plastic bottles on at least
      pacing up and down roads, mobile                           law was needed.                                                                                                          11% of streets and drinks cans on at least
                                                                                                                              This  gives  a  real  value  to  something                  13%. This adds up to many thousands of
                                                                                                                              which  has  too  easily  be  discarded  by                  containers being dropped on our streets

                                                                                                                              some individuals as waste. It also means                    in  a  year.  We  can  look  forward  to  this
                                                                                                                              that a much greater proportion of these                     figure rapidly falling once the deposit is

                                                                                                                              containers will be recycled, and this will                  introduced.
                                                                                                                              help with reducing the carbon footprint

                                                                                                                              of our packaging.  Wales will now start                     We’ll  be  releasing  our  latest  street
                                                                                                                              preparing for its introduction in 2025.                     cleanliness data very soon, so stay tuned.

                                                                                                                               If you have a policy or research question, get in touch with a member of the
                                                                                                                               team at

                                                                                                                               You can also keep up to date on all the latest on Twitter @KWT_Policy
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